Mediation & ADR

Mediation is the conciliatory variant of alternate dispute resolution. The core element of this ADR is the mediator, a neutral third party chosen by both parties in a mutual agreement or even selected in advance. The mediator negotiates with both sides to reach a compromise that will satisfy the claims of each. The method varies from mediator to mediator but always focuses on finding the middle ground to serve both parties and settle a dispute. Even when you've done everything right, sometimes disputes crop up.

Settling them in courts is generally long, messy, and expensive. Alternative dispute resolution methods (ADR), such as mediation, are often considered easier. They can be included in agreements as the preferred method of dispute resolution.

Whether you're considering signing a contract with an ADR clause like this, or you're facing a dispute and looking for alternatives to going to court.

Both Mediation and Debt Settlement are widely used as a part of corporate business solutions, and our team has both experience and licensed professionals that will be able to assess, evaluate and offer a reasonable solution that would benefit your corporate interest.

Mediation & ADR services include:

  • Mediation agreements.
  • Debt-settlement agreements.
  • Negotiation process.
  • Representation and Underwriting.
  • Legal Analysis.
  • Meetings, Debates, Consolidation.
  • Dispute resolutions.